Thursday 26 May 2016

General English - Questions & Answers - 36

526. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘REWARD’:
(a)Forfeiture                                      (b) Demotion
(c) Retribution                                   (d) Penalty
Answer: (d)

527. I went to my native village with the _____ of starting a school for the poor.
(a) opinion                                              (b) intention
(c) suggestion                                       (d) presumption
Answer: (b)

528. Which word is mis-spelt?
(a)Peninsula                                                        (b) Pilferer
(c) Pesimistic                                                      (d) Coronation
Answer: (c)

529. The meaning of ‘EMPHASIS’:
(a)Measure                                                            (b) Describe
(c) Explain                                                            (d) Stress
Answer: (d)

530. The past participle of ‘Ring’:
(a)Ring                                                                    (b) Rang
(c) Rung                                                                  (d) Ring
Answer: (c)

531. Policy of a political party:
(a)Manifesto                                                         (b) Agenda
(c) Circular                                                            (d) Corrigendum
Answer: (a)

532. Fit words are better ____ fine words.
(a) than                                                                       (b) besides
(c) to                                                                            (d) from
Answer: (a)

533. Our country is committed to _____ peace all over the world.
(a)starting                                                           (b) maintaining
(c) encompassing                                                   (d)  settle
Answer: (b)

534. The dacoits ___ to the police after much resistance.
(a)gave up                                                               (b) turned down
(c) gave in                                                               (d)  passed away
Answer: (c)

535. I am not older than you, __?
(a)aren’t I                                                                  (b) amn’t
(c) weren’t I                                                               (d)  am I
Answer: (d)

536. Some people ____ from voting.
(a) denied                                                                  (b) abstained
(c) refused                                                                 (d) declined
Answer: (b)

537. Epilogue is:
(a)Introductory part of a literary work
(b) Story line of a literary work
(c) Concluding part of a literary work
(d)  Synopsis of a literary work
Answer: (c)

538. ____ she had many misfortunes, she is always cheerful.
(a)If                                                                              (b) In spite of
(c) Although                                                                (d) Always
Answer: (c)

539. This is a holy shrine and not a place for every Tom, Dick and ___.
(a)Mary                                                                  (b) Sundry
(c) Gopi                                                                    (d) Harry
Answer: (d)

540. The art of elegant speech or writing:
(a)Rhetoric                                                             (b) Calligraphy
(c) Eugenics                                                            (d) Obnoxious

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